SATis5 showcases at the IEEE 5G World Forum in Dresden

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The Satis5 showcase at the IEEE 5G World Forum in Dresden, between 30th September and 2nd October 2019 focused on the internet of things (IoT) use case. SATis5 showed the nomadic node, a van provided by the Universität der Bundeswehr München equipped with a satellite dish and all necessary ancillaries, in which Fraunhofer FOKUS‘s LTE eNB is integrated using a satellite modem provided by Newtec. The nomadic node provided access to two remote sites, one in Erlangen and one in Ilmenau using satellite connectivity provided by SES. Both the Erlangen and Ilmenau sites were hosted by Fraunhofer IIS, and provided 4G/5G Nodes with IoT capabilities, a NB-IoT modem and NB-IoT basestation. The set-up was used to access sensor data from agricultural sensors, such as temperature and moisture sensors. The anchor point of the network was the satellite hub station hosted by the Universität der Bundeswehr München at their Neubiberg facility, integrating also Newtec equipment.

The network architecture of the SATis5 demo at Dresden

The van with the satellite dish on top and the basestation inside in front of the congress hall

The spectrum of the received and transmit signal on the laptop screeen in the bottom right and the Erlangen site video and sensor data on the top left screen, as well as the basestation with antennae below

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